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How to choose child insurance?

How to choose child insurance?

When it comes to insurance, you have several options. There are various categories such as life insurance, annuity insurance, investment insurance and term insurance. Every policy has important characteristics, goals and benefits. One such policy category is child policies. Everyone wants their children to have a bright and financially secure future. For this, parents usually save over the years and work hard. With almost all expenses constantly increasing, it's important to have enough funds to pay for college tuition and even marriage costs.This is why you should consider investing in good child insurance. .

There are various insurance policies that aim to help secure your child's future with timely benefits. However, with multiple guidelines, finding the right one can be a little tricky. You should always seek help from professionals and people with insurance knowledge.

Here are some things to consider:

Start Early

Many people make the mistake of waiting a certain amount of time after the birth of a child to plan for the future. This could be a mistake as the cost of living and education increases significantly over time. Remember to invest in insurance as soon as your child arrives and arrange for corpus until the age of 18. This gives you a longer term and thus helps you manage your premium amount and profit accordingly.

Age and Requirements

The choice of terms is determined by the child's age and future requirements. Some plans are intended as marriage plans, while others are semester plans or educational plans to support expensive college tuition. You need to determine your exact requirements for

Premium and Period

All policies now have a duration. Again, this should be determined taking into account the age of the child. All policies have an expiration date when the policy ends. The longer the term, the more premiums you will have to pay. However, a longer term usually yields better benefits.You should also consider the premiums you can afford to pay on a regular basis. You will also need to decide in advance how you will pay your premiums.


Many plans allow the insurer to add waiver benefits to the policy for an additional fee. These premium waiver benefits are very useful in the event of an accident that may occur during the life of the policy. According to the waiver, the beneficiary does not have to pay the premium if something happens to the insurer.

Insurance policies should always be purchased based on future needs, affordability and willingness to invest. Risk and inflation factors should also be considered when choosing an insurance policy.

Choosing the right plan like the LIC Kanyadan plan is great for your child's future. You can easily purchase the LIC Kanyadan program to cover your future expenses. LIC Kanyadan's policies are perfect for getting various benefits during the insurance period. 

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